Stroke patients & carers continue to design the new stroke service

Stroke patients and their families were invited to Maidstone Hospital this week to chat with hospital staff about what the new may look like in the future across Medway & Kent.

The group, which is known as the Stroke Co-Design Group, was set up Healthwatch Medway, the Stroke Association and Healthwatch Kent. It's made up of stroke survivors and their families and they are helping hospital staff to design what the new stroke units need to look like across Medway & Kent.

The session saw a lively discussion about a whole range of topics including:

  • the need for visual information about what a stroke is and what it means for the future
  • the importance of emotional support and practical information
  • the value of therapy and stimulation outside of dedicated therapy sessions
  • practical issues such as dimmable lighting, access to clocks, calendars and computers