What's it like to be homeless in Medway?

We chatted to five women, and three men, about their experience of being homeless in Medway. They want you to hear their story.

Everyone we spoke to had experience of living on the streets in Medway. They talked to us about the difficulties to get healthcare and the challenges to access support. 

We heard that people who are homeless often sleep during the day and move around at night because they felt more vulnerable when it is dark. This makes it even harder for them to visit traditional 9am - 5pm services. 

I am 14 weeks pregnant; I haven’t seen a midwife. I am concerned my baby will be taken away by social services.

I had a miscarriage a short time ago. I couldn’t get an appointment with a GP. When I tried to, they just offered me a phone consultation but I don’t have a phone so that was no use.

We have made a number of formal recommendations in our report based on the feedback we heard. We will review the progress that has been made as a result before the end of the year.


Read everything we heard in our report.

Healthwatch Medway - what is it like to be homeless

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