What's happened since we published our report on homelessness in Medway

In April we published a report detailing the feedback we heard from five women and two men who had experience of living on the streets of Medway. They told us about the challenges they faced to get access to healthcare.

The feedback we heard offered a snapshot of what it is like to be homeless in Medway. There were some encouraging accounts of people being supported to access substance misuse treatment, vaccinations, and support from charitable organisations but there were also some things that needed further attention.

I had a miscarriage a short time ago. I couldn’t get an appointment with a GP. When I tried to, they just offered me a phone consultation but I don’t have a phone so that was no use, I ended up visiting A&E for support.

What's happened since?

We met with Medway Council to talk through our findings. This report details our conversation. We have also presented the feedback to the Medway Health & Adult Social Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee.

We will continue to listen carefully to the feedback from the homeless community in Medway and ensure their voices are heard.

Do get in touch if you would like further information.


Healthwatch Medway homeless report update

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