1. Advice and Information -

    Here are some facts about ovarian cancer:
  2. Advice and Information -

    So many of us put memory loss down to old age; but that’s not always true.
  3. Advice and Information -

    High blood pressure (which is also known as hypertension) rarely has noticeable symptoms; so if you have it, you’re unlikely to realise it.
    But if untreated, it increases your risk of serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes.
  4. Advice and Information -

    Each May multiple awareness raising campaigns are running, some focused on specific weeks or days.

  5. News -

    Our volunteers are our lifeblood. They help us with every aspect of Healthwatch from making decisions about our priorities, listening to patients and ensuring peoples' voices are heard.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Each June multiple awareness raising campaigns are running, some focused on specific weeks or days.
  7. Advice and Information -

    A PPC could save you money if you pay for your NHS prescriptions.
    The certificate covers all your NHS prescriptions for a set price. You will save money if you need more than 3 items in 3 months, or 11 items in 12 months.

  8. Report -

    19,714 people came to us for clear advice and information about topics such as mental health and the cost-of-living crisis.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Increasing understanding of neurodiversity and autism.
  10. Advice and Information -

    A Windrush Day flag raising was hosted in Dartford to mark Windrush Day and the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the SSE Windrush. Organised by the North Kent Caribbean Network (NKCN) working in partnership with Cohesion Plus and Dartford Borough Council, the event took place on Monday 19th June.

  11. Report -

    1167 people contacted our information and signposting service in the past year. 243 of these people across Kent and Medway told us how they had been impacted by our information and signposting service.
  12. Report -

    This report summarises the feedback received from people via Healthwatch Kent, Healthwatch Medway and Kent and Medway Voice about their experiences of pharmacies from November 2022 to April 2023.
  13. Report -

    This report presents the feedback received from people via Healthwatch Kent, Healthwatch Medway and Kent and Medway Voice about their experiences of general practice from November 2022 to April 2023.
  14. Report -

    This report summarises the feedback received from people via Healthwatch Kent, Healthwatch Medway and Kent and Medway Voice about their experiences of primary care dentistry from November 2022 to April 2023. This includes 34 separate pieces of feedback.
  15. News -

    In May, Healthwatch England shared their initial response to the Government's Primary Care recovery plan and what it would mean for you and your loved ones.
  16. Advice and Information -

    Each September multiple awareness raising campaigns are running, some focused on specific weeks or days.
  17. Report -

    Having concluded our visits to 15 Care Homes across Kent & Medway talking to residents, their families and staff about the Enhanced Health in Care Home programme we have now completed our stakeholder facing report and have now shared our findings with Aging Well.
  18. News -

    Healthwatch Medway work to improve the experience of being a Medway resident regarding social needs, health and wellbeing.
  19. News -

    In June we released out Annual report, which you can download at the bottom of this page. It shows the various ways Healthwatch continues its efforts to ensure the public experience is heard.
  20. Advice and Information -

    Each October multiple awareness raising campaigns are running, some focused on specific weeks or days.
  21. Advice and Information -

    The ICB have published various priorities within their interim strategy.
  22. Advice and Information -

    The wider determinants of health are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors which influence people’s mental and physical health.
  23. News -

    Healthwatch has adopted a more structured approach to help those most affected by differences in the provision of and access to health and social care.
  24. Advice and Information -

    Earlier this year Healthwatch England published it’s position on Women’s Health. They outlined what they were calling for to improve and tackle health inequalities for women.
  25. Report -

    On the last Friday of July 2023, we hit the streets of Chatham and chatted with 81 of our residents who shared their thoughts with us, in the high street and right outside the local pharmacies.
  26. Advice and Information -

    Tips to help you stay well this winter and get the care you need.
  27. Advice and Information -

    With more than thirty recognised symptoms of menopause and growing
    awareness of the impact on day-to-day life, knowing what to look out
    for and what support is available can help you.
  28. Advice and Information -

    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression triggered by seasonal changes. One in twenty people in the UK are diagnosed with the condition, with men more likely to be diagnosed with SAD than women.
  29. Advice and Information -

    Each November multiple awareness raising campaigns are running, some focused on specific weeks or days.
  30. News -

    Stammer is one of the biggest challenges in accessing healthcare services. 
  31. Advice and Information -

    People with stammers face a variety of challenges in accessing healthcare services. In the UK a survey showed 1.8% of people have stammer.
  32. News -

    In the UK it is believed seven million people are voluntarily providing care and/or support to family and/or friends. And that many of these are either not accessing or are not aware of the help and support available to them. 
  33. News -

    Women have a wide variety of experiences when accessing healthcare. However, a majority of women found that healthcare professionals were not listening or respecting them. There are several reasons that have been reported for these issues.
  34. News -

    In February 2023, Kent and Medway ICB and Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) launched a public consultation on Health Based Places of Safety. These are the facilities KMPT provides for adults needing emergency care and assessment under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act.
  35. Advice and Information -

    While for many of us Christmas is a time for celebration and spending time with our loved ones, sadly that is not the case for all of us.